
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

song for class

blog post number two

Not quite sure as to what my brother's cat thought he was doing but....i really need that text book to study for my exam tomorrow.  See this is Gander, and hes slightly hefty, and well he doesn't like to be bothered when he is sleeping.....which is cool cause i dont like to be bothered either so i know how it is. But i mean my bed was empty as well as his cat bed.  So if by some chance i fail my exam or get a bad grade....i blame you Gander.

Monday, September 10, 2012

audio files.

1) What are AAC, MP3, and AIFF? How do they differ? AAC stands for Advanced Audio Coding which is a music file thats compressed. AIFF stands for Audio Interchanged File Format which means the audio file is uncompressed. MP3 stands for MPEG which is a highly compressed version of your audio file. They all differ in size, highest quality being larger and lowest quality being smaller. 2) List the files sizes of the 4 different versions you ripped. AIFF- 55.2MB AAC- 11.3MB MP3 Higher- 7.6MB MP3 Good/Youtube- 5.1MB 3) Could you hear any difference between the four files? Explain these differences in greater detail. How did the sound quality vary from one version to the next? I could tell a large difference between the AIFF downloaded song and the MP3 youtube downloaded song. But for the most part the MP3 higher, MP3 good, and AAC songs sounded similar. The AIFF song was really clear and sounded louder with out having to turn up the volume. The youtube download sounded muffled or washed out. 4) If you wanted to rip all of your CDs to your computer so that you could trade them in, what file format would you choose and why? I would choose the AIFF format. To me this gives you the best quality since it does not compress your files.

Friday, August 24, 2012

blah blah intro

Hello everyone, so this is obviously a blog about cats haha. Cats have always interested me....they have this sort of "i dont give a fuck" attitude. So i just want to blog about woman's best friend haha.....soooo enjoy :]